About us
Product Specification:
Description: Water resource management is the activity of planning, developing, distributing and managing the optimum use of water resources. Ideally, water resource management planning has regard to all the competing demands for water and seeks to allocate water on an equitable basis to satisfy all uses and demands. The software also manages the monthly bills, with the duelist of the customer. The monthly bill generates on the basis with numbers of water canes received and collected from the customer. The purpose of the distribution process is to deliver water to the consumer with appropriate quality, quantity. The process is used to describe some facilities used to supply water from its sources to point of usage. Our software manages the process of loading a system in which the shopkeeper can distribute the filled water canes to many places likes some offices, departments, banks, etc. The software also manages the listing of empty canes and generates the bill on the basis of calculation of empty & with filled canes. The dealer gives the receipt to all the customers after paying the monthly amount of used products, this all comes in the accounting process.
The Platform Provides Mobile, Web and Desktop Applications.
Software Approaches: Our software generates bills and calculates the amount of water that is supplied at different places. Root Wise entry with customer details and monthly bill generation feature.Vehicle details like which vehicle supplies which area water jar.
Problem Solving: Water jar Management software solve accounting problem like receive and supply water jar. Provide Multiple customer details at a time area wise for help vehicle to the distribution of water jar.
Product Feature:
Different Root Creation Option: As the dealer may have multiple customers, for that he has to decide multiple roots for distribution. Our system provides the option of creating different root setting . in this Setting, the system furnished details of roots along with distributer name.
Root And Sequence Wise Customer Creation Option: The Above mention facilities laiks about multiple root creation options. Now the sequence of the root is what? It simply says dealers create root wise customer lists. On a particular root how many numbers of customer deals with us and who is going to be dispatch on that particular root.
Bill Wise Amount Received Option: As we just discussed above monthly bill option. Our Software furnished with receive able amount by sending a copy of the bill to all customers through serviceman. And also receive payment through the same person.
Root Setting: This feature is the same as above mention two features. in this system, Our software sets particular to root for distribution.
Vehicle Wise Loading Option With Item Type And Qty: The system posses some additional information such as loading vehicles. In this, the data is mentioned regarding the number of loading vehicles along with a number of bottles filled. Our Software store daily basis filled and empty bottles provision for selected roots.
Monthly Billing Creation Option: Our Software posses a monthly bill option. The dealer supplies their water bottle in a whole month, and generate a bill for the same at the month-end. This simple term as monthly bill setting.
Product Benefits :
- Provide a lot of root functionality that is helpful in distributing our water.
- Manage root wise customers for easy to distribute our water.
- monthly wise bill for a customer that pays whole monthly bills of a water jar.
- Manage root wise vehicle and loading.
- Generate a report for both selling and purchase products like water jar, vehicles, etc.
- The entry of distributed water jars on a daily basis.
Desktop Water Jar Software
Description: Water resource management is the activity of planning, developing, distributing and managing the optimum use of water resources. Ideally, water resource management planning has regard to all the competing demands for water and seeks to allocate water on an equitable basis to satisfy all uses and demands. The software also manages the monthly bills, with the duelist of the customer. The monthly bill generates on the basis with numbers of water canes received and collected from the customer. The purpose of the distribution process is to deliver water to the consumer with appropriate quality, quantity. The process is used to describe some facilities used to supply water from its sources to point of usage. Our software manages the process of loading a system in which the shopkeeper can distribute the filled water canes to many places likes some offices, departments, banks, etc. The software also manages the listing of empty canes and generates the bill on the basis of calculation of empty & with filled canes. The dealer gives the receipt to all the customers after paying the monthly amount of used products, this all comes in the accounting process.
The Platform Provides Mobile, Web and Desktop Applications.
Software Approaches: Our software generates bills and calculates the amount of water that is supplied at different places. Root Wise entry with customer details and monthly bill generation feature.Vehicle details like which vehicle supplies which area water jar.
Problem Solving: Water jar Management software solve accounting problem like receive and supply water jar. Provide Multiple customer details at a time area wise for help vehicle to the distribution of water jar.
Product Feature:
Different Root Creation Option: As the dealer may have multiple customers, for that he has to decide multiple roots for distribution. Our system provides the option of creating different root setting . in this Setting, the system furnished details of roots along with distributer name.
Root And Sequence Wise Customer Creation Option: The Above mention facilities laiks about multiple root creation options. Now the sequence of the root is what? It simply says dealers create root wise customer lists. On a particular root how many numbers of customer deals with us and who is going to be dispatch on that particular root.
Bill Wise Amount Received Option: As we just discussed above monthly bill option. Our Software furnished with receive able amount by sending a copy of the bill to all customers through serviceman. And also receive payment through the same person.
Root Setting: This feature is the same as above mention two features. in this system, Our software sets particular to root for distribution.
Vehicle Wise Loading Option With Item Type And Qty: The system posses some additional information such as loading vehicles. In this, the data is mentioned regarding the number of loading vehicles along with a number of bottles filled. Our Software store daily basis filled and empty bottles provision for selected roots.
Monthly Billing Creation Option: Our Software posses a monthly bill option. The dealer supplies their water bottle in a whole month, and generate a bill for the same at the month-end. This simple term as monthly bill setting.
Product Benefits :
- Provide a lot of root functionality that is helpful in distributing our water.
- Manage root wise customers for easy to distribute our water.
- monthly wise bill for a customer that pays whole monthly bills of a water jar.
- Manage root wise vehicle and loading.
- Generate a report for both selling and purchase products like water jar, vehicles, etc.
- The entry of distributed water jars on a daily basis.
Desktop Water Jar Software
Contact us:
Mr.Rajesh Shah
Head Office:
Evolve WebInfo Pvt. Ltd.
II Floor 314, Above Domino's
Tarani Colony, A.B.Road,
For More Detail:
Mr.Rajesh Shah
Head Office:
Evolve WebInfo Pvt. Ltd.
II Floor 314, Above Domino's
Tarani Colony, A.B.Road,
II Floor 314, Above Domino's
Tarani Colony, A.B.Road,
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